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Today’s Fire Detection System Offers Early Warning

Two firefighters streaming water from a fire hose onto a fire.

Protect Employees and Property with Early Detection

According to the National Fire Protection Association, in 2021, fire departments in the U.S. responded to a structure fire every 65 seconds. These fires resulted in $15.9 billion in property damages and 14,700 civilian injuries. We share these statistics not to alarm you but to bring awareness to the devastation and frequency of fires.

For businesses, a fire can impact operations in numerous ways, from severe disruption to destroying vital equipment and papers. Let’s explore the makings of a commercial-grade fire detection system and how they protect a business’s staff and assets in Kansas City, KS.

3 Ways a Door Access Control System Keeps Your Business Safe

A person checks their access control system from their phone.

Protect your property and personnel with state-of-the-art door access control technology

Having a business means making a huge investment in money and personnel. In order to protect both and keep your business running smoothly, you need to integrate the best security systems into your commercial space. One that we strongly recommend is a door access control system, as it allows you to keep track of who enters the different areas in your building and when. Want to learn more about the different ways you can monitor traffic at your business in Springfield, MO? Keep reading our blog down below!

Protect Your Home and Family with Alarm Monitoring

A group of people monitoring security systems.

Ensure Rapid Professional Response Times in Case of an Emergency

According to Neighborhood Scout, residents in Kansas City have a 1 in 25 chance of becoming a victim of a property crime. A rash of car burglaries in the city in September 2022 left Kansas City police reminding residents of the importance of locking doors, whether cars or homes.

While these occurrences can be a little unsettling, the good news is that homes with a security system are 300% less likely to be broken into and burglarized than those without one. 

Today’s smart security systems have come a long way in the last decade. They offer artificial intelligence, including cameras that recognize faces and license plates and tell the difference between regularly occurring events and those out of the ordinary. They provide immediate alerts, whether someone crosses a digital tripwire or a family member forgets to lock the door. One of their most essential features, however, is alarm monitoring.

Let’s explore what this service means to homeowners and how it provides peace of mind. 

Burglar Alarm Monitoring: Another Advanced Smart Home Technology

A video surveillance camera watching over a home.

Make Your Home Smart and Safer with a Premium Smart Security Solution

One of a homeowner’s biggest fears is a burglar breaking into their home. It’s an invasion of privacy and can result in stolen items, property damage, and occasionally threaten your family's safety. You’ll want to take every precaution to prevent home invasion, and the best way to do that is to install an advanced security solution in your home.

Many security systems include features that allow for burglar alarm monitoring. In addition, real-time alerts, surveillance, and integration can be crucial in protecting your home. Keep reading to see how a security system can help protect your Springfield, MO, home from break-ins. 




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